Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Flash Fiction: Oktoberfest

Flash Fiction: Oktoberfest

© Giacomo Vesprini

Written by Emma Mathes

It was a cloudy day in late September; it was mid-afternoon on a Tuesday. Vendors trickled in, while ride technicians tested the swings. There was a chill in the air, carried by breezes cooled in the growing shade.

On the perimeter, sat a lonely security guard. He enjoyed the benefits of working the earlier shift that allowed for prime enjoyment of the festival itself. But today, he couldn’t appreciate his job, because he was cold. He’d thought he’d dressed warm enough.

And then, came a brief blessing. The warm, early fall sun cut through the clouds and heated him through. And he soaked it up.

Moment: S. Billie Mandle

Moment: S. Billie Mandle

From Our Archives: Dianne Yudelson

From Our Archives: Dianne Yudelson