Evolution explores the concepts of progress, transformation, growth, and advancement in an age when images are taking a dramatic shift in the role they play in our lives.

Orit Raff: Priming at Julie Saul Gallery

Image Above: Orit Raff, Freedom, 2013, Courtesy of Julie Saul Gallery

  Julie Saul Gallery is pleased to announce their fifth solo exhibition with Orit Raff entitled Priming. This series of twelve digitally produced prints depict spaces conjured from novels with cultural, sociological and political references. As if designing a theatrical set, she uses her interpretation and careful study of the novels she has selected to imagine the physical appearance of the rooms in which pivotal events unfold. The imaginary photojournalist represents a hybrid genre that merges the appearance of straightforward documentary photography with a carefully staged one, in a process that does not require a camera yet mimics a straight photographic document. Raff has used a combination of architectural and photo-editing software to fabricate her compositions.






Bryan Schutmaat: Grays The Mountain Sends at Sasha Wolf Gallery

"No Greater Fiction" at BOSI Contemporary